Saturday, February 9, 2013

Herb de Provence Pork Roast

After our two weeks trip to my sister's place and driving back home, we did our usual stopping by Costco for grocery shopping.  While we were shopping, I found this pork roast on sale, so I ended up buying it cuz it was so cheap, but when I brought it home, I really had no ideal recipes in mind for this chuck of meat.  The first thing that came to mind was, "let's try out my new favorite herb!"  So I poked some holes in the roast with a knife, rubbed garlic, brown sugar, salt, pepper, and herbes de provence; drizzled with olive oil and white wine, and left it in the fridge for a few hours.  I baked it with some vegetables, served it with salad and toast.  My husband liked it a lot and ate until no longer could go in. lol.  Enjoy! =)
My first recipe using Herbes de Provence; Pork Roast.

Bake @ : 350 degrees Fahrenheit
Bake Time:  1 1/2 - 2 hours
Makes: 4-6 servings


1 kg                   pork loin roast
2 tbsps             herbes de provence
1 tbsp                garlic
1 tbsp                brown sugar
to taste            salt & pepper
drizzle            olive oil
drizzle            white wine

1 cup               potatoes, cut into 2 inch cubes
1 cup               carrots, cut into 2 inch cubes
1 cup               onions, quartered


1.  In a small bowl, combine herbes de provence, garlic, brown sugar, and salt & pepper to taste.
2.  Rub the mixture on the pork roast.
3.  Place in a roast pan.
4.  Drizzle with olive oil and white wine.
5.  Cover with aluminum foil.
6.  Bake in a preheated oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 1 1/2 hours - 2 hours.
7.  During the last 30 minutes, remove the aluminum foil, add the vegetables and baste every 7 - 10 minutes until you get a crust on the top.
8.  Take out of the oven and let it stand for 15 minutes.
9.  Serve it with your choice of sides.  =)

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